Behavioural disorders and mental illnesses on the rise among Swedish children
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Behavioural disorders and mental illnesses on the rise among Swedish children

The number of Swedish children with behavioural disorders or mental illness has increased sharply over the past 20 years, according to National Board of Health and Welfare statistics. More than six times as many children and young people aged 0-19 had one of these diagnoses when visiting specialised outpatient care in 2023, compared to 20…

5G may reduce bone strength

5G may reduce bone strength

A new study shows that exposure to the 3.5 GHz frequency used in 5G reduces bone strength and flexibility in animal experiments, even though the exposure was well below ICNIRP limits that supposedly protect against all health risks. In addition, increased oxidative stress was observed in skeletal muscle tissues. 3.the 5 GHz frequency is the…

The EU Commission selected biased experts for radiation report

The EU Commission selected biased experts for radiation report

Serious criticism has emerged from an in-depth review of the European Commission’s latest expert report on the health risks of the radiation emitted by wireless technologies. The EU experts are biased and the report seems to be predetermined to dismiss health risks and give the go-ahead to adopt the new ICNIRP limits from 2020. These…