Why Did Journal Retract Study Showing COVID Vaccines May Cause Cancer? Emails Raise New Questions
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Why Did Journal Retract Study Showing COVID Vaccines May Cause Cancer? Emails Raise New Questions

An NIH scientist with ties to pharma and the Wuhan Institute of Virology oversaw the retraction of a 2021 peer-reviewed study linking COVID-19 vaccines to cancer risk, especially for women, according to emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act. A recent investigation by Australian journalist Rebekah Barnett suggests politics and financial interests, not scientific…

Vaccinated COVID Patients Died at Nearly Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated, Study Finds
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Vaccinated COVID Patients Died at Nearly Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated, Study Finds

A two-and-a-half-year peer-reviewed study by Ohio State University researchers found that among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, those who received mRNA COVID-19 vaccines had a significantly higher mortality rate than unvaccinated patients, even when accounting for age and comorbidities. Published in The Defender June 4, 2024 Hospitalized COVID-19 patients who were vaccinated against the virus died at…

1 in 9 Kids Diagnosed With ADHD, CDC Says — But Why?
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1 in 9 Kids Diagnosed With ADHD, CDC Says — But Why?

A new CDC study found that 11.4% of U.S. children aged 3-17 years have at some point been diagnosed with ADHD — up from 9.9% in 2016. Experts criticized the widespread normalization of trends and the unwillingness of researchers to make a connection to chemical exposures and harmful ingredients in childhood vaccines. Published in The…

Film Shreds ‘Safe and Effective’ Mantra, Unmasks Pharma ‘Lies’ on COVID Shots
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Film Shreds ‘Safe and Effective’ Mantra, Unmasks Pharma ‘Lies’ on COVID Shots

Featuring interviews with experts discussing “inconvenient science,” the new documentary “Unsafe and Ineffective” exposes lies by pharmaceutical companies, public health officials and the mainstream media about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. “The vaccine is safe and effective,” the newscaster asserts confidently, his words echoing the familiar mantra that dominated the public airwaves during…

DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeded 500 Times Allowable Levels, Study Finds
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DNA Contamination in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Exceeded 500 Times Allowable Levels, Study Finds

A new peer-reviewed study raises concerns over inadequate testing methods for measuring DNA impurities in COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. Genomics expert Kevin McKernan critiqued the study’s methods but argued that contamination is still over allowable limits and that current regulations are “entirely unfit for purpose.” A new peer-reviewed study raises concerns about the methods used to…

Bird Flu Could Be ‘10 Times Worse’ Than COVID, FDA Commissioner Warns
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Bird Flu Could Be ‘10 Times Worse’ Than COVID, FDA Commissioner Warns

FDA Commissioner Robert Califf on Wednesday warned that a potential bird flu pandemic could have a mortality rate of 25%. Public health experts Dr. David Bell and Brian Hooker, Ph.D., questioned the urgency and extent of the threat, calling Califf’s claims “farcical” and “overblown.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Robert Califf on Wednesday…

‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme
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‘We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children’: Pediatrician Reveals Details of Big Pharma Payola Scheme

In an interview on Children’s Health Defense’s “Vax-Unvax” bus, Dr. Paul Thomas exposed the financial incentives pediatricians receive for administering vaccines, including kickbacks of up to $240 per visit. Can pediatricians afford to run their medical practices without the generous kickbacks they receive for vaccinating every child? Dr. Paul Thomas, a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician, discussed this dilemma…

‘A Living Nightmare’: Former ‘Pussycat Doll’ Still Recovering From COVID Vaccine Injury
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‘A Living Nightmare’: Former ‘Pussycat Doll’ Still Recovering From COVID Vaccine Injury

In an interview with The Defender, Jessica Sutta, a former member of the multi-platinum girl group The Pussycat Dolls, shared her life-altering journey of pain, confusion and advocacy after being injured by Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine. “I remember when he injected me, I made a joke because it ripped out through my arm — it was…

‘I Knew They Were Killing People’: Whistleblower Says COVID Hospital Protocols Led to Patient Deaths
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‘I Knew They Were Killing People’: Whistleblower Says COVID Hospital Protocols Led to Patient Deaths

Originally published by the Defender, John-Michael Dumais, 25 April 2024 In an emotional testimonial on CHD’s “Vax-Unvax” bus, a hospital medical coder discussed the hospital protocols and financial incentives during the COVID-19 pandemic that she believes led to preventable patient deaths, including the misuse of remdesivir and ventilators and a failure to investigate vaccine injuries…

Top Fauci Adviser Subpoenaed Amid New Whistleblower Allegations of COVID Origins Cover-Up
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Top Fauci Adviser Subpoenaed Amid New Whistleblower Allegations of COVID Origins Cover-Up

Dr. David Morens, former senior adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, was subpoenaed Tuesday by a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee after new evidence suggests he skirted federal record-keeping laws in communications with key officials, including Fauci, about the origins of SARS-CoV-2. A House subcommittee on Tuesday subpoenaed a former senior adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci for conversations…