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Studies Around The World Confirm Children Do Not Infect Others

After for the past year trying to remind people that children are “innocent of covid-19”, ie that they hardly ever transmit the virus to other children or adults, we discover with horror plans to vaccinate children in the EU on a large scale in the false hope of stopping viral transmission with vaccines.

Let’s not throw away more than two millennia of progress. Let’s not behave like the Carthaginians in Flaubert’s novel by exposing innocent children to the vaccine god Covid19 who would then become the worthy heir of the god Moloch.

We must act urgently; wake up, refuse to sacrifice our children to our anxieties amplified by the terrorizing propaganda of the media at the orders of a few billionaires who are trying to transform our civilization—even liquidate it.

Coronavirus is of no risk to children.

International studies show that children are not under threat from this epidemic. All reported studies [3], all national and international surveys confirm that Covid-19 is rare and almost always benign in children, and that they are less at risk from Covid-19 than from seasonal influenza. No death solely due to Covid-19 has been recorded in France for the last 15 months among nearly 12 million children under 15 years of age (the three deaths tested PCR positive were severe immunocompromised) while influenza has claimed an average of 8 victims annually in this age group. The WHO confirms that children are at virtually no risk. In children, this minimal risk means that no individual benefit can be expected from vaccination, while post-vaccination complications, sometimes severe and even fatal, are reported in the media.

Children do not transmit the virus.

The media and the government try to frighten us with children who test positive, but never specify that asymptomatic children who test “positive” are not sick, do not express the virus and therefore cannot contaminate their entourage. TV or radio programs may present us with “Mrs. Duchnok whose son would have contaminated the professor”, but no serious scientific study has demonstrated this. Of the 11,703 international studies listed on the PubMed database on April 25, 2021 under the terms “Children Covid19”, including 1849 with “Children Covid19 transmission”, there are none that report with certainty the contamination of another child or even an adult, eliminating all other possible sources. More than 20 epidemiological studies in a dozen countries have  searched for contamination from children under 15 years of age: none of them has been able to find a single truly conclusive example.

The INSERM study is very demonstrative. The child from Les Contamines was in contact, while he was ill, with 172 people, including 112 pupils and teachers in three schools and a ski club. He did not infect anyone, not even the two other children in his family. And the infection brought from Singapore by an adult was confined to the occupants of the chalet.

The Pasteur Institute’s study of elementary school in Crépy-en-Valois involved 1,340 people, of whom 139 were infected (81 adults and 58 children). Among 510 pupils from six elementary schools, they identified three children from three different schools who were infected when the schools were still open. None of these three children infected anyone else, neither other pupils or adults.

The Coville study of the Activ group (Association clinique et thérapeutique infantile du Val-de-Marne) directed by Professor Robert Cohen, vice-president of the French Pediatric Society, involved 600 children from birth to the age of 15 years and concluded that: “without a parental Covid history, the child has nothing.”

In the Netherlands, children aged 0-17 years account for only 1.3% of all reported patients with Covid-19, although they represent 20.7% of the population. Only 0.6% of reported hospitalisations were for children younger than 18 years, and there are no cases of children dying from Covid-19. A household survey in the Netherlands reported data on 116 children aged 1-16 years and preliminary results showed that there was no evidence that children under 12 years of age were the first infected in the family.

In Ireland, prior to the closure of schools, no school-acquired cases were detected among the 924 children and 101 adults in contact with six infected individuals (three children, three adults).

In Australia, 9 students and 9 staff members infected with SARS-CoV-2 in 15 schools had close contact with a total of 735 students and 128 staff members. Only 2 secondary infections were identified, none among adult staff. 1 primary school student was potentially infected by a staff member.

In Switzerland: Of a total of 4310 patients with SARS-CoV-2, 40 were under 16 years of age (0.9%). Among the 111 positive household contacts of the children studied, mothers predominated (n = 39), followed by fathers (n = 32), pediatric siblings (n = 23), adult siblings (n = 8) and grandparents (n = 7).

In Finland, a 12-year-old child who attended school during his illness had contact with 121 people and did not infect any of them.

In Greece, epidemiological analysis of 23 clusters involving 109 persons (66 adults and 43 children) found no cases of transmission from a child.

In Singapore, two elementary school and one secondary school found childhood covid-19. None of the 34 identified contacts from the elementary school tested positive. Of the 77 contacts from the secondary school, 8 developed influenza-like symptoms, but none tested positive.

Of the more than 11,180 articles with the subject of children and Covid-19 listed by PubMed on 9/4/2021 and the 1794 specifically dedicated to possible transmission by children, none provide evidence of real-world transmission from a child to another child or to an adult.

The only articles that mention this possibility are based on viral load or on modelling with false assumptions.

While school children may be ill or test positive, in asymptomatic children these are most often false positives (over 90%), or old infections that they have acquired at home and from which they have recovered.

The frequency of these false positives in asymptomatic patients is considerable: 97% of cases when the PCR test is performed with too many amplification cycles. The WHO has recently recommended that clinical status should always be considered before interpreting a test that it does not consider useful for mass screening.

The complete uselessness of routine screening has been demonstrated by the most massive of them, that of Wuhan involving nearly 10 million Chinese: none of the PCR-positive asymptomatic people was found to be shedding viral particles, to have become ill, or to have contaminated anyone.

School transmissions are possible, but all those that have been seriously epidemiologically investigated show that they are related to adult personnel. Since children are innocent of disease transmission,  vaccinating them, even if it were safe and effective, would be useless in protecting others.

Are we going to repeat the Nazi experiments with vaccines?

The World Medical Association (WMA) developed the Declaration of Helsinki as a statement of ethical principles applicable to medical research involving human beings.

The World Medical Association’s Declaration of Geneva binds the physician in the following terms: “The health of my patient shall be my first concern”

The International Code of Medical Ethics states that “the physician shall act solely in the interest of the patient when providing care that may result in impairment of physical or mental condition. In medical research on human subjects, the interests of science and society must never take precedence over the well-being of the subject.”

Offering or advocating an experimental vaccine to children to protect others therefore also violates the ethical principles of medicine.

Moderna and Pfizer recently announced that they were beginning trials of their anti-covid “vaccines” (effectively COVID mRNA injections) in children aged 6 months to 11 years. Several trials are already visible to all on the international database clinicaltrials.gov.

These therapeutic trials without medical interest are not without risk: a 12-year-old girl named “Maddie” is the first victim of this experimental injection as she is now completely paralysed.

If you read in detail the description of the therapeutic trial (type in Covid19, Moderna or Pfizer for example) on children you see that the “informed consent” of the parents is required. How can this consent be truly informed when this disease does not affect children and they do not transmit it to adults? Even if this were the case, it would be unethical to use children to protect other humans and contrary to the Nuremberg Code which clearly specifies that the supposed benefit must first be direct. What is the risk-benefit when disease is absent in this age group?

The Nuremberg Code followed by the Helsinki and Oviedo Conventions is formal. Not respecting them brings us back to the time of the Nazis. Sacrificing children to research is unacceptable. But where does this take us back to? How can it come to this? The sacrifice of one’s child for occult practices has existed throughout human history. Have we returned to these customs when we are about to conquer Mars? Or have the elites, as some claim, used infamous practices that they seek to cleanse?

Corrupted science leads to a sectarian path

Have humans living in 2020 been so panicked by this masquerade that they need, like distant ancestors, to sacrifice to the occult powers they imagine have inflicted this pandemic on them?

“Men have always tried to attract the good graces of the divinity, in particular by the practice of sacrifices. To sacrifice is to “make sacred”: an offering passes into the divine realm and, in return, the priest transmits gifts from heaven, such as blessings, instructions, forgiveness.”
“Human sacrifice? Human sacrifice is considered an abomination in Israel and Judah… where this practice nevertheless existed! Under the influence of neighboring peoples? At Gezer (halfway between Jerusalem and the Mediterranean, to the north-west), near a Canaanite place of worship, children’s skeletons have been found. In the ninth century B.C., a prince of Jericho sacrificed his eldest son during the reconstruction of the city (1 Kings 16:34). In Jerusalem in the eighth century, kings Ahaz and Manasseh committed similar acts (2 Kings 16:3 and 21:16). In the seventh century, the prophet Jeremiah testifies: “The Judeans erect the mound of Tafeth so that their sons and daughters may be consumed by fire there” (7,31). In case of distress, offering what is most dear to one remains a constant temptation until the time of the Exile. After the Exile, when the book of Exodus is put together, it will be affirmed that every firstborn “belongs” to the Lord, but that it must be “redeemed” by an animal (Ex 13,2.13 and 34,19-20): the Lord is the God of life “, © SBEV. Maurice Autané.

Such a belief is based on fear, and those who sell this fear act for the interests of those who sell the “medicines” to supposedly protect us from the dreaded thing. Throughout much of history, “health” has been considered primarily a spiritual matter, and if one was “sick”, one would visit a “priest” in his temple to find out how to appease the spirits, or the gods with an offering, an ex-voto.

One may wonder if absolutist “science” which has forgotten the fertile doubt and open discussion essential to progress has not replaced religion which is increasingly absent from our Western civilization. Malraux’s famous prophecy (or not) about “the 21st century which will be religious or spiritual or will not be” is best illustrated in our new quasi-barbaric practices.

The new ayatollahs of the TV sets who claim to know everything, to foresee everything and want to impose everything are more like a sect than real science drowned by corruption, cheating and elaborate manipulations. They are even apparently ready to impose ancestral and cruel practices such as the SACRIFICE of our children through a worldwide experimentation of products likely to modify the genetic heritage of humanity if they are injected to enough guinea pigs. Modern tragedy.

“People trust these pseudo-medical or pseudo-scientific authorities in the same way that believers trust priests, pastors, imams or other religious authorities. These ignorant parents who enroll their children in experimental covid-19 “vaccine” trials are following the same path as the elders who listened to the responsible authorities of their day, and sacrificed their children to priests practicing witchcraft or magic, trusting them and believing that they were actually doing something good for themselves and their families. ”

How can we really protect our elderly?

The European countries that followed Ferguson’s and WHO’s advice (generalized containment and lack of early treatment) suffer from the highest covid19 mortality per million inhabitants (as of 4/25/21: 2070/M for Belgium, 1940/M in Italy, 1877/M in the UK, 1563 in France).

Our leaders bet that the end of the crisis would be achieved by new treatments or vaccines, but Remdesevir proved to be an expensive, toxic treatment that was unable to reduce mortality.

Current vaccines appear to be much less effective and more toxic than proclaimed by the laboratories’ victory announcements and unable to prevent transmission. Olivier Veran the French minister of Health recognized this in a recent brief to the French Supreme Court, the Council of State: “Vaccinated people can however remain carriers of the virus and thus contribute to the spread of the epidemic”. Moreover, according to the members of the scientific committee, including Dr. Delfraissy, vaccines give rise to variants against which they are ineffective: “Studies suggest that the emergence and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants are correlated with the absence of robust immune protection after initial exposure to previous (wild-type) viruses, or even to a vaccine. … The long-awaited end of this global health crisis may be continually delayed as new variants emerge and immune evasion reduces the effectiveness of vaccination in the short to medium term.

To date, India has suffered the highest number of contaminations in the world (16,960,172 confirmed cases) and despite the weakness of its health care network, it has proportionally ten times fewer victims than France (148 M vs. 1563/M) and the decision of its health committee to recommend early and even sometimes preventive treatments (including chloroquine) is certainly responsible for this.

Boris Johnson has finally understood that vaccines are not the solution and the importance of early treatment of the infection to prevent aggravation; he has just released substantial funds to carry out trials and promises: “before the end of the year, infected English people will be able to be treated at home with drugs, to reduce the need for hospital beds”.

Will we again be the last to admit the importance of early treatment?

To save our old people, we should not vaccinate children; let the doctors prescribe!

Références :

* Peter Brodin Why is COVID-19 so mild in children? Editorial Acta Paediatrica 24 March 2020
* Ji Young Park First Pediatric Case of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Korea J Korean Med Sci. Mar 23, 2020; 35
* LiangSua The different clinical characteristics of corona virus disease cases between children and their families in China — the character of children with COVID-19 Emerging Microbes & Infections 2020, VOL.
* Qinxue Shen Novel Coronavirus Infection in Children Outside of Wuhan, China Pediatr Pulmonol. Apr 7, 2020. doi: 10.1002/ppul.24762.
* Ya-Nan Han et al. A Comparative-Descriptive Analysis of Clinical Characteristics in 2019-Coronavirus-infected Children and Adults Pediatrics April 2020
* Zhonghua Er Ke Za Zhi pour la Société de pédiatrie et Association médicale chinoise : Recommandations pour le diagnostic, la prévention et le contrôle de la nouvelle infection à coronavirus 2019 chez les enfants (première édition intermédiaire). 2020 ; 58 : 169–74.]., Chinese Journal of Pediatrics
* Haiyan Qiu Clinical and epidemiological features of 36 children with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Zhejiang, China: an observational cohort study Lancet Infect Dis. 2020 25 mars; S1473-3099 (20) 30198-5.

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