Our CHD Europe not for profit association is in the process of closing.
Going forward, CHD Europe is a project of the CHD Global Chapters Group US.
Board of Directors

Catherine Austin FITTS
Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of CHD Europe
Catherine is President of Solari, Inc, publisher of the Solari Report information service and Managing Member of Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC. Previously, Catherine Austin Fitts was Managing Director and a member of the Board of Directors of Wall Street Investment Bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc. and has served as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing Commissioner at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under President George H.W. Bush. She was also President of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc. Catherine, there prepared and closed over $25 billion in transactions and investments, and led the portfolio and investment strategy for $300 billion in financial assets and liabilities.
Catherine Austin Fitts is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania (BA) and the Wharton School (MBA) and studied Mandarin Chinese at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She blogs for the Solari Report at solari.com.
Catherine’s experiences on Wall Street and in Washington DC are described in “Dillon Read and the Aristocracy of Stock Profits,” and in her personal story about the investigation into the whereabouts of many billions of dollars from the U.S. federal government budget:
“Long ago, I vowed never to act against the interests or accomplishments of my own people – I promised to do my best to ensure that we are worthy of stewardship, and also that we do our best to leave a better world for generations to come. Making and keeping such a promise requires an understanding that money and positions are means to ends, but not ends in themselves. And it also requires an understanding that death is not the worst thing that can happen. Some may accuse me of “swimming against the tide” and not “understanding anything about the subject.” I would counter these people that now is not the time in our nation’s history when we deny the ability of imagination.”

Orsolya Györffy
CHD Europe Board Member, Executive Director
After a short stay at Camphill, Orsolya studied economics in England. She first worked as an organizational development consultant in many multinational companies and finally as the head of information technology for the EMEA regions on the board of an American multinational company. She supported and facilitated several art and social science initiatives and events. Her life took a new turn after she became aware of the extent of corruption in 2007, in the run-up to the financial crisis, and worked on the translation of D.N. Dunlop’s biography. Since 2010, she has served as managing director of Perseus Publishing. The publishing house publishes anthroposophical books, works by Prof. Anthony C. Sutton, Carroll Quigley, T.H. Meyer, Terry Boardman and others exposing historical lies. She co-edits and contributes to the international monthly journal ‘The Present Age’, which promotes humanities by analysing symptomatic events in politics, culture, and economics. In addition to working at CHD, she collaborates with several organizations standing up for medical freedom and protection.

Renate Holzeisen
CHD Europe Board Member
Renate Holzeisen was born in 1966 in Bolzano. From a young age, discipline and ambition were important virtues for her, which she put into practice especially at school and in ballet classes. In addition to her very good academic performance, Renate already proved as class president and school president that justice and standing up for others were especially close to her heart. She studied law and economics at the Leopold-Franzens University in Innsbruck, was a university assistant for two years and in between taught at several high schools in South Tyrol. “A great experience that I wouldn’t want to miss,” says Renate looking back, emphasizing that young people – then as now – can be won over and motivated by competence, openness, empathy and sympathy for complex issues. She is a lawyer, also practicing before the Supreme Courts and specializing in European and international law. In addition to her main work for companies with economic interests in Italy, she has always been concerned with issues of fundamental rights and freedoms.
She is committed to transparency, democracy and the rule of law. She is not afraid to expose corrupted power structures and political abuses, and to take legal action against them if necessary. Since March 2020, she became increasingly aware that something was and is going completely wrong around the world, and so she began working with other lawyers to ensure fundamental rights and freedoms, with a special focus on children.

Meryl Nass, MD, ABIM
CHD Europe Board Member
Meryl Nass, MD, ABIM, is an internist with special interests in vaccine-induced diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome CFS, Gulf War syndrome, fibromyalgia, and toxicology. As a biological warfare epidemiologist, she investigated the world’s largest anthrax epidemic in Zimbabwe, and developed a model for analyzing epidemics to determine whether they were natural or man-made.
As an anthrax expert, Dr. Nass has examined government-sponsored anthrax research under the Biological Weapons Convention, used anthrax as an example in the debate over preventing biological warfare, reviewed anthrax vaccines and their function in prophylaxis of biological warfare, as well as played a central role in educating the military, Congress, and the public about anthrax and the science underlying the use of anthrax vaccines, as well as identifying other methods to respond to the anthrax threat. She has played an important role in creating a coalition to fight the anthrax vaccination program. Dr. Nass actively assists teams of attorneys in defending anthrax vaccine refusers and ill soldiers in the U.S. and Canada.

Mike Robinson
CHD Europe Board Member
Mike Robinson is co-editor of the UK column. He has been writing about policy issues since the mid-1990s and has worked for UK Column since 2008. His background is in technology infrastructure, and he has worked in a variety of sectors: Telecommunications, Heavy Industry, Law and Finance.
Advisor to the Board of Directors – Wolfgang Wodarg, MD
Wolfgang Wodarg, MD, completed his medical studies in Berlin and Hamburg and received his PhD from the University of Hamburg. Postgraduate qualifications: Internal Medicine and Pneumology, Public Health, Social Medicine, Hygiene and Environmental Medicine in Germany, and advanced training in Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University,Baltimore, USA. He practiced medicine in several hospitals and became director of a public health institute in northern Germany. He was elected to the German Bundestag in 1994 and was a member of the Health Committee and the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development. As a Member of Parliament, Dr. Wodarg was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), and Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Culture, Education and Science.