Prof. Bhakdi courtroom
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The Trial of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi: Who is Trying to Silence the Leading Scientific Voice Warning us About mRNA Technology?

At around 5:45 in the evening on Tuesday May 23, Judge Malte Grundmann entered the courtroom at Amtsgericht Plön to deliver his decision in the case of Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi. Following nine hours of deliberations, testimony and final arguments, all who were present in the gallery stood up eagerly awaiting the outcome to be read…

The Dangers of Covid-19 Booster Shots and Vaccines: Boosting Blood Clots and Leaky Vessels

The Dangers of Covid-19 Booster Shots and Vaccines: Boosting Blood Clots and Leaky Vessels

New discoveries in the immunology of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccines 1. Summary: Are COVID Booster Shots and Vaccines Safe and Necessary? New Discoveries in SARS-CoV-2 Immunity and Vaccine-Immune Interactions By now, most people have heard that COVID-19 vaccines can cause blood clotting and bleeding. Some readers may even be aware that reports of death following…