Carbon Offsets Are a ‘Scam’ — Here’s Why
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Carbon Offsets Are a ‘Scam’ — Here’s Why

Many of the world’s largest companies rely on carbon offsets to reach “net zero” emissions goals. However, investigations reveal that more than 90% of these offsets are likely “phantom credits” that allow corporations to continue polluting while claiming to lower their carbon footprints. Published in The Defender June 3, 2024, originally from The New Lede…

Behavioural disorders and mental illnesses on the rise among Swedish children
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Behavioural disorders and mental illnesses on the rise among Swedish children

The number of Swedish children with behavioural disorders or mental illness has increased sharply over the past 20 years, according to National Board of Health and Welfare statistics. More than six times as many children and young people aged 0-19 had one of these diagnoses when visiting specialised outpatient care in 2023, compared to 20…

Covid vaccine scandal: Excess Cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality after COVID-19 vaccination increased by 1236% in 2020-2023
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Covid vaccine scandal: Excess Cardiopulmonary arrest and mortality after COVID-19 vaccination increased by 1236% in 2020-2023

During an intense campaign of Covid-19 vaccines, heart attacks skyrocketed in King County, Washington, one of America’s most heavily vaccinated areas. Source: NewsVoice 29 maj, 2024 Dr Peter A. McCullough writes on Substack that a team of investigators studied data reports on Covid-19 vaccinations, disease cases and population statistics from King County in Washington, one…

If Bayer Really Wanted to Stand With Farmers, It Would Stop Selling Them Toxics + More
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If Bayer Really Wanted to Stand With Farmers, It Would Stop Selling Them Toxics + More

The Defender’s Big Food NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to industrial food companies and their products, including ultra-processed foods, food additives, contaminants, GMOs and lab-grown meat and their toxic effects on human health. The views expressed in the excerpts from other news sources do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender. Op-Ed:…