Another defeat for the German government: Vaccination passages in RKI protocols must become unredacted
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Another defeat for the German government: Vaccination passages in RKI protocols must become unredacted

Source:, Vanessa Renner, 23 May 2024 Another victory for the investigation: the Berlin Administrative Court has ordered the Federal Chancellery to further redact the coronavirus protocols. Information on the coronavirus vaccines was to be kept secret. The Federal Government argued that disclosure would lead to disadvantages in the procurement of vaccines for the next…

Bird flu as a new “plandemic”? Dr McCullough warns of food shortages
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Bird flu as a new “plandemic”? Dr McCullough warns of food shortages

Source:, Vanessa Renner, 21 May 2024 What will trigger the new p(l)andemic propagated by the WHO under the code name “Disease X”? Critical observers see reasons to believe that it could be the bird flu: Dr Peter McCullough, the critical physician who carried out important educational work during the coronavirus years, points to warnings…