Prof. Arne Burkhardt and Taylor Hudak

Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview: Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA vaccines

“Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service for our health system.” Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt Originally published in English at The Last American Vagabond by Taylor Hudak and Ryan Cristián. German translation and subtitling completed by Jutta Degner, head of CHD…

Rain and Shine in German Courtrooms

Rain and Shine in German Courtrooms

Germany saw two significant judical events today, one in Passau (Bavaria), another in Leipzig. The county court in Passau (Amtsgericht) had a sentence passed onto Dr. Ronny Weikl, who was accused of issuing false health certificates when he in fact expressed his medical opinion, based on scientific evidence, that wearing a mask can be dangerous…