Organized by Doctors For Covid Ethics
Hosted by UK Column

Symposium V Full

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Symposium V in Sessions

Session I

The Fundamental Flaws of mRNA Vaccine Technology

Session I Full
Welcome and Introduction

Journalist Taylor Hudak MA opened the symposium by noting that as we approach the end of 2022, “it is clear that we are at a critical point in our fight for freedom, bodily autonomy and human rights.”Doctors for Covid Ethics’ documentation of evidence that mRNA vaccines are causing vascular and organ damage has gone viral, she said, “which demonstrates the manifest shift in the public discourse” underway. It is a shift that inspired the motto for this our fifth symposium: In the Midst of Darkness Light Prevails.

Sucharit Bhakdi: Why All mRNA Vaccines Will Cause Harm

Prof Sucharit Bhakdi MD began with a call for physicians and medical scientists around the world to “go back to your textbooks and recall what we all should know.”

Michael Palmer: Autoimmune-like Diseases Due to mRNA Vaccination – Accumulating Evidence

Dr Michael Palmer MD followed Sucharit Bhakdi’s presentation by summarising the body of evidence from autopsies and biodstribution studies, which supports the mechanisms described by Dr Bhakdi.

Brian Hooker: Health Outcomes of COVID-19 Vaccinated Versus Unvaccinated

Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD, PE presented data on the incidence of various disorders associated with COVID vaccines. He placed those data in the context of “the grand experiment” that is global mRNA vaccination, noting that official clinical trials are still ongoing, some until 2026.

Panel Discussion

Dr. Brian Hooker, PhD, PE presented data on the incidence of various disorders associated with COVID vaccines. He placed those data in the context of “the grand experiment” that is global mRNA vaccination, noting that official clinical trials are still ongoing, some until 2026.

Session II

Legal Update: How to stop the shots?

Session II Full
Philipp Kruse: Criminal Complaint Against Swissmedic

Attorney Philipp Kruse LL.M outlined a 300-page criminal complaint that he is currently spearheading against Swissmedic, which is the supreme supervisory and licensing authority in Switzerland. The complaint is supported by extensive evidence and documentation, compiled with the help of several Doctors for Covid Ethics members. The documentation is available to the public, including for use in other legal challenges and jurisdictions.

Ray L. FLores: Fighting for Doctors’ Free Speech

Ray L. Flores described the status of legal actions in the United States, including a lawsuit and injunction that has been filed by Children’s Health Defense, to be heard on January 23 2023, challenging a Californian Law (AB2098) that curtails doctors’ freedom of speech.

Panel Discussion

Ray L. Flores was then joined by Philipp Kruse, Human Rights Lawyer Dr Renate Holzeisen and retired Paediatrician Dr Ros Jones MD to discuss their perspectives on the legal landscapes in their respective jurisdictions.

Session III

Getting Away from the Control Grid

Session III Full
John Titus: CBDC Suicide Pill for Sovereignty

Attorney John Titus discussed how and why the Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) currently being proposed and trialled in a number of countries spell an end to individual and national sovereignty. He defined sovereignty in terms of answering the question ‘who decides?’ If central banks can decide how you spend your CBDCs, as Augustin Carstins, General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), foreshadowed in October 2020, “the impact on personal sovereignty ought to be obvious enough.”

Corey Lynn: Laundering with Immunity – The Control Framework

Investigative journalist Corey Lynn of Corey’s Digs described a number of mechanisms by which many of the world’s most globally powerful organisations operate not only above the law “but completely outside it.” One key mechanism enabling this is the little-known International Organisations Immunities Act of 1945. The Act grants sweeping legal immunities to transnational organisations with deeply vested interests, including the WHO, the UN, and the Gates-founded Global Fund.

Panel Discussion

Catherine Austin Fitts was joined by Attorney Carolyn A. Betts Esq. for a panel discussion on real world implications of an entire global system operating outside the law.

Alexandra Latypova: Intent to Harm – Evidence of Conspiracy to Commit Mass Murder by the US DoD, HHS and Pharma Criminal Enterprise

Pharmaceutical entrepreneur Alexandra Latypova followed by providing bombshell revelations concerning several pieces of legislative architecture, dating back decades, that combined in 2020 to hand US military-intelligence agencies control over COVID-19 vaccines and interventions. Contrary to public knowledge, this legislative framework enabled COVID ‘medicine’ to be taken out of medical regulators’ hands, and placed under the control of the National Security Council (NSC) and the Department of Defense (DoD). The shift from public health to military oversight took place on orders from the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), a political appointee. It set in motion an organizational structure and money flow enabling what Alexandra Latypova described as a criminal enterprise to deploy products that were toxic by design.

Session IV

Understanding Tactics of Oppression

Session IV Full
Doctors and Ethics: A Series on the Suppression of Doctors and Scientists During the COVID Crisis.

Dr Thomas BinderTaylor Hudak presented selections of an interview that she had conducted with Swiss Cardiologist Dr Thomas Binder MD, courtesy of The Last American Vagabond. In early 2020, as a result of his efforts to provide the public with accurate information, Dr Binder was confronted by 60 armed police officers, held in a psychiatric unit, diagnosed with ‘corona Insanity’, which is a fictitious disorder, and placed on mandatory psychiatric medication for questioning lockdowns and other measures.

Dr Meryl Nass: Doctor Hunting and Fighting Back

Dr Meryl Nass MD outlined the formal organizational structures and strategies behind persecution of doctors in the United States. She explained that she had her own license suspended without a hearing 11 months previously. “Why?” she asked. “Because we are in the middle of a coup.” It is a coup for dictatorial power, she said, using laws dating back 20 years that enable national and regional leaders to usurp and abuse power by declaring a public health emergency. Silencing and controlling doctors has been critical to this endeavour.

The Psychology of COVID-19 Atrocities

Session IV concluded with a powerful documentary summarising an article published on Unlimited Hangout: Covid-19: Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity? The article and video analyse the abuses enacted under COVID-19 through the lens of the psychology of mass atrocity. The analysis stresses the importance of active rather than passive bystanding, the dangers of targeting active bystanders, for instance as “conspiracy theorists”, and the importance of holding atrocity’s instigators to account. The video summary, with audiovisuals by Daniel Broudy and text by David Hughes, Valerie Kyrie and Daniel Broudy, contains compelling footage of state violence and vaccine casualties never-to-be-seen on prime time TV.

Session V

Remember Democracy

Session V Full
Wolfgang Wodarg: Guideposts Towards a Future of Our Own Making

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg began by inviting viewers to “remember there was democracy,” and to “think over how we could re-establish it in many parts of the world.” He shared a formula for resilient democracies, which centres around transparency as a function of societal size and complexity. Transparency, he stressed, is the critical ingredient for safeguarding democracy, such that governance occurs in the interests of citizens rather than those in power.


Michael Palmer MD rounded off the symposium with a message to doctors, nurses, patients and lawyers.