Stavanger Highlights
The so-called pandemic continues to have a devastating impact on the world. It is crucial that we direct the spotlight on the non-democratic powers and organizations that are now working actively to dominate our global society for the future. In Stavanger we brought together a unique group of scientists and whistleblowers to discuss what has happened and warn about what lies ahead. Our ambition is to also point out directions for a better future. The purpose of this conference is to highlight and talk about som of most important issues of our time. To inform people about what is really going on. And to contribute in making better choices for the future. Debate, dialogue and different viewpoints have always been and are still key to finding the best solutions.
Stavanger is a region with an international cultural and business aspect. Mainly because it has been the oil and energy capital of Norway and Europe since the nineteen seventies when oil was discovered in the North Sea. It is known for picturesque scenery, stunning fjords, and a charming old town. It is an ideal location for contemplation and relaxation, as well as for engaging with new ideas and solutions.
Speakers & Interviews

The Digital World Brain
Jacob Nordangård joins Aga Wilson to discuss his new Book

International Spotlight Conference
Interview with Jacob Nordangård

Slobodni Podcast
Interview with Jacob Nordangård
Jacob Nordangård, Researcher, Sweeden
Shaping the Future Agenda – The digital World Brain
Swedish researcher and author with a PhD in Social Change and Technology from Linköping University.
Society is digitized in an increasing number of ways and areas. This is exciting and contributes to efficiency and new solutions that involve major improvements. But digital technology also offers great opportunities for monitoring, control and manipulation.
Jakob’s lecture is based on his latest book “The Digital World Brain”, which informs about how we are moving into a global, digital surveillance and control society.

mRNA Shots
Alexandra Latypova joins Peter Sweden

International Spotlight Conference
Interview with Alexandra Latypova
Alexandra Latypova, Ex-Pharmaceutical Executive, USA
COVID-19– evidence for an intent to harm
Alexandra Latypova is a former Pharmaceutical industry executive. She has also owned and managed several contract research organizations. Alexandra was born in Ukraine and moved to the United States in the late 90’s. She holds a Master of Business Administration degree from Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH.
Latypova has shown irregularities in the documents obtained from HHS about Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine indicate that the FDA and Moderna have collaborated to bypass regulatory and scientific standards used to ensure that products are safe.
In her lecture, she presents her findings as evidence that the US Health and Human Services had an intention to harm the human population.

mRNA Shots spreading to Babies
Sonia Elijah joins Peter Sweden
Sonia Elijah, Journalist, UK.
Investigating Regulatory Failure and Pharma Fraud
Sonia Elijah has a background in Economics. Elijah is a former BBC researcher and now works as an investigative journalist for the Children’s Health Defence Organization.
Elijah has uncovered significant conflicts of interest through her studies of Pfizer’s original clinical vaccine documentation.
You get insight into Pfizer’s own test results and how they differ from the official story. We get a thorough description of how the EMA – European Medicines Agency – does not fulfill its role in a professionally independent way, but is strongly influenced by the pharmaceutical industry.

Richard Urso, MD PhD Clinician and Scientist
Where Do We Go From Here?
Richard Urso MD PhD is a clinician and scientist who graduated with highest honors from the University of Texas, School of medicine. He continued with 5 years of postgraduate training and 11 years of research. Richard is sole inventor of an FDA approved wound healing drug (Oxervate). He has repurposed multiple medications for usage in scarring, wound healing, inflammation, oncology and viral disease. He was Chief of Orbital Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center for six years. Richards involvment in debating the COVID-19 pandemic response began in March 2020 and has made hundreds of appearances on major news channels and podcasts. To date he has treated over 2900 COVID patients successfully and is actively involved in treating hundresds of vax injured and “long covid” patients.
Richard has testified in the U.S. senate, the Texas Seante and multiple state legislatures (including in Alaska and Tennessee). He has interfaced with the Head of the U.S. COVID task force in the White House and the offices of the governors of Texas, Florida, and Alaska. He has met with Deborah Brix and leaders of the CDC and FDA. He is Cofounder of the Global Covid Summit and the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientist, as well as being one of the original members of America`s Frontline Doctors.

Halvor Næss, Professor Internal Medicine and Neurology, Norway
What has the pandemic taught us about state actions?
Professor Halvor Næss is a Norwegian specialist in internal medicine and neurology at Haukeland University Hospital. He is the author or co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed articles in medical journals.
Næss is one of the few “white-coated” individuals who has stated that we have been in an epidemic and not a pandemic. He questions why we set aside previous pandemic plans and has been a vocal opponent of the government’s measures over the past three years.
You should watch this lecture to gain insight into why the authorities should take a closer look at excess mortality. Halvor Næss will also provide insights into how data technology can become the government’s tool for regulations that have the potential to control the population.

Kjetil Elvevold, PhD Scientist, Norway.
Delivery of lipid nanoparticles with RNA, how does it work?
Kjetil Elvevold holds a PhD in liver physiology and is a former researcher in the pharmaceutical industry. He has led research on lipid nanoparticles with mRNA.
Elvevold has questioned whether the basis for emergency approval of the vaccine was well-documented enough and has faced strong criticism in recent years.
After Elvevold’s lecture, you will have a better understanding of how mRNA works and gain insight into how this can affect the human body and why the vaccine cannot be called a vaccine.

Dorothea Gilbert, MSc, PhD. One of the co-authors of the Corman Drosten Review report, Norway.
Dorothea Gilbert holds a PhD in Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Toxicology. This background put her in a position to critically review Covid as well as the countermeasures against it. Gilbert is one of the co-authors of the Corman-Drosten Review Report that criticized the obvious scientific shortcomings and conflicts of interest of the early Sars-CoV-2 PCR.

SloboDni Podcast
Interview with Andrew Bridgen

The Great Reset, Big Tech and the disastrous effects of the Lockdown
Andrew Bridgen joins Peter Sweden
Andrew Bridgen, Member of Parliament, Great Britain
How to interpret and relate to official health statistics in the UK?
Bridgen is a politician and business executive who has been a member of the British Parliament since 2010.
Andrew has been a critical voice of the COVID-19 management in the UK, and he has also been vocal about his concerns regarding the World Health Organization’s future regulations.
Bridgen will provide you with good insight into the current state of the political situation in Britain, which can give a reflection on what is comparable in the Norwegian political system.

Elsa Widding, Member Parliament, Sweeden
Energy crisis –measures to tackle climate change?
Elsa Widding is a Member of the Swedish Parliament. She holds an MSc in Civil Engineering and a degree from Insead. Elsa has an extensive experience in the energy industry, as well as working for the Ministry of Industry. Elsa has played a crucial role in large acquisitions in the transmission grid sector and has conducted expert interviews and written numerous articles published in business papers and leading newspapers.
Elsa is the author of ” The Climate Circus” and “Common Sense concerning Energy and Climate”
With Widding’s background in the energy industry, she warned against Vattenfall’s sale of coal-fired power plants in Germany instead of finding a way to make them fossil-free. Her two books take a scientific approach to the climate issue.
Elsa’s lecture will provide you with a broader insight into the scientific research in this area. There is a lot of good scientific documentation that has a completely different message about the relationship between CO2 and climate than what the prevailing narrative tells us.

International Spotlight Conference
Interview with Philipp Kruse
Philipp Kruse, Lawyer, Switzerland.
World Health Organization or SARS-CoV-2: what was more dangerous? What to expect from WHO in the future? What are the outcomes of the new Pandemic Treaty and the revised international health regulations?
Philipp Kruse is an Attorney at law with his own law firm in Zurich Switzerland. He has over 25 years of legal practise in business and in tax law.
As of end 2020, Philipp led over 25 ordinary court proceedings to help parents, children, students and business owners to end unconstitutional corona-mandates.
In November 2022 he published with his team a substantial criminal complaint against Swissmedic (the highest Swiss medical safety agency) for illegaly authorizing harmful mRNA-based experimental products.
Philipp is co-president of the Swiss Lawyers Commitee and founding member of the International Alliance of Lawyers for Human Rights.
He has given lectures in many different countries to warn people and lawmakers about the harmful implications from WHO’s undemocratic extension of powers over the sovereignty and democracy of the member states and over the selfdetermination of the people.
Panel Discussions
Failure to act or intent?
What did we learn and how do we heal?
What is the SOLUTION? How do we get there?
Further Interviews
Conference Program
08.00 – 08.45
Registration & Mingle
Registration are open. Here you can grab your badge, a coffee and start mingling. Exhibitor stands are open. Have you checked in at the community website?
08.45 – 08.55
Please take a seat. Always introduce yourself to the people around you.
08.55 – 09.00
People, get ready!
– arrival with music.
09.00 – 09.15
Opening and Welcome to Stavanger
by the organisers: Binders Initiativet with CHD Europe and hosts.
Hosts: Aga Wilson, Humanitarian, journalist and Jonathan Gilthorpe, Associate Professor, Cell biology PhD
09.15 – 09.55
Shaping the future Agenda – The digital world Brain
By Jacob Nordangård, Researcher and author with a PHD in Science & Technology Studies.
09.55 – 10.30
Covid-19 countermeasures: Evidence for an intent to harm
By Alexandra Latypova, Former Pharmaceutical industry executive, USA.
10.30 – 10.45
Coffee break
Coffee break
10.45 – 11.15
Investigating Regulatory Failure and Pharma Fraud.
By Sonia Elijah, Investigative Journalist, UK
11.15 – 11.55
Tackling the health misinformation mess through REAL evidence-based medicine
by Richard Urso, Ophtamologist
11.55 – 12.30
Failure to act or intent? – Panel Discussion
Topics of Interest with Alexandra Latypova, Sonia Elijah, Richard Urso
Moderators: Aga Wilson, Humanitarian and journalist and Jonathan Gilthorpe, Associate Professor, Cell biology PhD
12.30 – 13.30
Lunch buffet at the hotel’s restaurant
13.30 – 13.35
Introduction to the afternoon session
Introduction to the afternoon session
13.35 – 13.50
What has the pandemic taught us about state actions?
by Halvor Naess, Specialist in Internal Medicine and Professor at the University in Bergen, Norway
13.50 – 14.05
Delivery of lipid nanoparticles with RNA. How does it work?
by Kjetil Elvevold, PhD Scientist, Norway
13.30 – 13.35
Introduction to the afternoon session
Introduction to the afternoon session
13.35 – 13.50
What has the pandemic taught us about state actions?
by Halvor Naess, Specialist in Internal Medicine and Professor at the University in Bergen, Norway
13.50 – 14.05
Delivery of lipid nanoparticles with RNA. How does it work?
by Kjetil Elvevold, PhD Scientist, Norway
14.05 – 14.20
The Mystery of synchronous Gompertz mortality curves
by Dorothea Gilbert, Msc, PhD. One of the co-authors of the Corman Drosten Review report, Norway
14.20 – 14.50
Panel Discussion: What did we learn and how do we heal?
Silencing critical voices and censorship costing lives and causing suffering. How can health care be restored and how can healing begin without falling for the same traps?
with Aseem Malhotra, Halvor Naess, Kjetil Elvevold and Dorothea Gilbert
Moderator: Aga Wilson, Humanitarian and journalist and Jonathan Gilthorpe, Associate Professor, Cell biology PhD
14.50 – 15.10
Coffee break
Break with Coffee, Tea and some snacks
15.10 – 15.40
What has the pandemic taught us about state actions?
by Andrew Bridgen, UK MP and Businessman
15.40 – 16.10
Energy Crisis – as a result of disproportional measures to tackle climate change
by Elsa Widding, member of the Swedish Parliament and author with 27 years of experienced management in the Energy industry, Sweden.
15.10 – 15.40
What has the pandemic taught us about state actions?
by Andrew Bridgen, UK MP and Businessman
15.40 – 16.10
Energy Crisis – as a result of disproportional measures to tackle climate change
by Elsa Widding, member of the Swedish Parliament and author with 27 years of experienced management in the Energy industry, Sweden.
16.10 – 16.50
WHO or SARS-CoV-2: What was more dangerous? And what to expect from WHO in the future, what options left?
by Philipp Kruse, Lawyer, Switzerland
16.50 – 17.00
Energy break
Break with Coffee and Tea
17.00 – 18.00
Panel Discussion: What is the SOLUTION? How do we get there?
Topics of interest with Jacob Nordangård, Alexandra Latypova, Andrew Bridgen, Elsa Widding, Philipp Kruse, Susanne Heart
Moderator: Jonathan Gilthorpe, Associate Professor, Cell biology PhD and Orsolya Gyorffy
18.00 – 18.30
Closing Remarks
Wrap up from the conference.
by Orsolya Gyorffy, CHD Europe Board Member, Executive Director, Switzerland
19.30 – 23.30
3 Course meal with opportunity to listen to small appeals and exchange, with nice live music.
Thank You