Robert F. Kennedy jr.


Robert F. Kennedy jr. er president for Waterkeeper Alliance, grunnlegger, styreleder og juridisk sjef for Children’s Health Defense, og juridisk rådgiver for Morgan & Morgan, et landsomfattende personskadefirma.

Kennedy er en anerkjent forfatter med en lang rekke bøker bak seg, deriblant New York Times» bestselger «Crimes Against Nature». Kennedy ble utnevnt til en av Time Magazines «Heroes for the Planet» for å ha hjulpet Riverkeeper med å lede kampen for å restaurere Hudson-elven. Hans rykte som en resolutt forsvarer av miljøet og barns helse er basert på en lang rekke vellykkede rettssaker. Han fikk anerkjennelse for sin rolle i den banebrytende seieren mot Monsanto, som han ble invitert til å diskutere i Europaparlamentet i 2018. Han spilte også en viktig rolle i DuPont-saken som inspirerte filmen «Dark Waters» (2019).

Kennedy arbeider for tiden med en viktig sak angående sikkerheten til Gardasil-vaksiner og 5G-teknologi, og han kjemper mot sensur av sosiale medier og teknologigiganter. Han er en utrettelig forkjemper for en sikrere helsepolitikk og medisinsk frihet, og han inspirerer mennesker over hele verden til å gå sammen om å beskytte barnas fremtid.

Mary Holland

President i Permisjon – Children’s Health Defense

Mary Holland er tidligere stipendiat og direktør for Graduate Lawyering Program ved NYU School of Law. Hun har skrevet flere artikler og blogginnlegg om vaksinelovgivning og -politikk og er medforfatter og medredaktør av bøkene «Vaccine Epidemic» og «HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed» Hun har vitnet for å beholde eller utvide vaksinasjonsfritak i lovgivende forsamlinger i California, West Virginia, Maine og Vermont. Hun har medvirket i flere dokumentarfilmer og programmer om vaksinespørsmål. Hun er leder av det rådgivende styret for Health Choice og medlem av det rådgivende styret for Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, Otto Specht School og Actionplay. Holland er utdannet ved Harvard og Columbia University og har arbeidet med internasjonal offentlig og privat rett. Før hun begynte på NYU, jobbet Holland i seks år i store amerikanske advokatfirmaer, hvorav tre år i Moskva, Russland. Hun jobbet også i en amerikansk menneskerettighetsorganisasjon som direktør for det europeiske programmet. Etter at hun var ferdig utdannet jurist, var hun dommerfullmektig ved en føderal distriktsdomstol i Southern District of New York. Hun har undervist på Columbia Law School og vært konsulent for Aspen Institute Justice and Society Program.

RFK Jr. Testifies on Censorship and Collusion Between Government and Social Media Companies | July 20th 2023

WASHINGTON, DC—JULY 13, 2023—The Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government will hold a hearing on Thursday, July 20 at 9 a.m. ET in the Rayburn House Office Building, 2141 Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, DC. T...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. addresses the Northern Light Convention: Use all Tools of Advocacy

Message pour la France de Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., auteur du best-seller 'Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, leur...

Message pour la France de Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., auteur du best-seller 'Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, leur guerre mondiale contre la démocratie et la santé publique. Transcript Bonjour, c'est Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. J'ai un message ...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. "We will be able to sue them, unless it's a recommended vaccine for children"

Mr. Kennedy, many of the parents later regret having their children and adolescents vaccinated. And we see, like you said, so many children get injured and even die, but at the same time we know that parents cannot seek for any justice for what is...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. presents Children's Health Defense Europe (CHD Europe)

Donate to Children's Health Defense Europe

This victory must be a symbol for all citizens of the world - Swiss Referendum, Nov 28

🇨🇭 In Switzerland, the popular vote of November 28, 2021 has already started. Many citizens are already voting by mail, while others will go to the polls on November 28th. Three objects are on the agenda: an initiative to strengthen nursing, an ...

Robert Kennedy Jr. and IppocrateOrg

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. speaks to a packed demonstration in Milan, 13th November 2021 - coverage includes aerial footage

“We can all see what's happening. They are taking away our rights, and they will NEVER give them back unless we make them” Robert F Kennedy Jr. speaks to a packed demonstration in Milan, 13th November 2021. This full version of our coverage incl...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from Milan with Catherine Austin Fitts, Senta Depuydt - Live Replay, Press conference 13.11.2021

This is a replay of the raw feed we streamed live on 13.11.2021. Children's Health Defense Europe's Press conference in Milano, featuring Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Catherine Austin Fitts and Senta Depuydt.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at the International Rally to Halt Corona Measures in Bern, Switzerland / November 12

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr..: “Switzerland is the front line for this battle” “When they use the term ‘vaccine misinformation’, they are using it as a euphemism for any statement that departs from official government policies and pharmaceutical indust...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. from Milan with Catherine Austin Fitts, Senta Depuydt and other guests Nov 13

Catherine Austin Fitts and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. - Press Conference, Bern, Switzerland, Nov 12

Bern, Switzerland - International Rally to Halt Corona Measures - November 12 - Press Conference

Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. "The Swiss People Have the Right and the Responsibility to Stand Up for Democracy"

“The Swiss people have the right and the responsibility to stand up for democracy globally, and to send a message of courage, of inspiration to the rest of the world.” Quiet time is over… things are going to get loud tomorrow! Switzerland is at ...

Message from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his way to Europe

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on National TV in Italy - ENGLISH

This is an interview Robert F. Kennedy gave on the Italian TV Channel "La 7", on October 20th, 2021. Source:

CHD EUROPE Rally for Freedom 20032021

29th August 2020: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Historic Speech in Berlin

Welcome Message in Berlin 28 Aug 2020

---------- LIKE - SHARE - DONATE If you feel CHD helps protect, inform, or give hope to you or someone you love, please consider supporting our work. All the donations to Children's Health Defense Europe are dedicated to European pr...

MedicalRacism with Introduction by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Interview de Zach Bush par Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (FRENCH): "Nous devons nous éloigner du paradigme Santé de Big Pharma"

"Nous devons nous éloigner du paradigme Santé de Big Pharma" Dans le dernier épisode de la deuxième saison de "TRUTH" avec Robert F. Kennedy Jr, ce dernier a interviewé le Dr Zach Bush, spécialiste en médecine interne, en endocrinologie et en s...

The Real Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health by RFK Jr

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has decided to dedicate a book on Anthony Fauci, the number one “Covid expert” in the United States and most influential man in the world today actively assisting in the geopolitical takeover of the planet. Director of NIAID...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Sounds The Alarm Over Genocidal Crimes of Anthony Fauci & Bill Gates

Transcript of the interview available in EN, FR and IT on ---------- LIKE - SHARE - DONATE If you feel CHD helps protect, inform, or give hope to you or someone you love, please consider supporting our work. All the d...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: " We must Resist this Coup d'Etat "

Robert F Kennedy, Jr. explains why we all need to come forward now and resist in Civil Disobedience. Now that the FDA has issued a very "squirrely" approval of the Covid-Vaccine from Pfizer, which leaves many questions open, because the science sh...