Peaceful Rallies Around the World to Champion Freedom

Peaceful Rallies Around the World to Champion Freedom

By Children’s Health Defense Team It was a historic weekend for freedom activists around the world. Saturday, August 29th, one million true citizens of all walks of life united to stand against unscientific lock downs, government totalitarianism, and medical mandates. Berlin, Germany Children’s Health Defense’s Chairman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke to an estimated one…

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Holds a Press Conference in Berlin After Launching CHD’s Europe Chapter

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Holds a Press Conference in Berlin After Launching CHD’s Europe Chapter

By Children’s Health Defense Team On Friday August 28, 2020, Mr. Kennedy, chair of Children’s Health Defense, held a press conference and met with the leaders of the newly-formed Children’s Health Defense Europe Chapter. In attendance were Senta Depuydt and Tina Choy (board members of CHD Europe), RA Markus Haintz (Querdenken-731 Ulm), and Heiko Schöning…

Covid-19 Vaccines: An Alarming Update from Europe

Covid-19 Vaccines: An Alarming Update from Europe

As thinking Americans try to navigate the daily barrage of propaganda surrounding Covid-19 vaccination, it is all too easy to be preoccupied with the domestic situation. However, Americans who care about upholding the internationally established human right to prior, free and informed medical consent—and the right to reject being a guinea pig for medical experimentation—should…

Amicus Letter

Pandemic ‘Democracy’ is Machiavel back?

par Christian Staquet-Chibambo In a previous contribution, we reported on the conflicts of interest that concern some of the influential members of the agencies and committees tasked with advising governments on management of the Covid-19 pandemic. These people (such as Michel Goldman and Lieven Annemans in Belgium, Christian Chidiac in France and Moncef Slaoui in the USA) have links…

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: is the WHO led by a terrorist? The go-between of Gates and China engaged in the global leadership battle.
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Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: is the WHO led by a terrorist? The go-between of Gates and China engaged in the global leadership battle.

In a just a few weeks time, the fate of the entire planet seems to have been placed under the command of the World Health Organization and its leader, Tedros Gherbreyesus. But over the last few days his handling of the coronavirus crisis and his relationships with China have put the chairman of the organization…

Open Letter from International Organisations  to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety

Open Letter from International Organisations to the WHO on the Issue of Vaccine Safety

To the World Health Organisation and those attending the meeting of the Global Vaccine Quality Control Laboratories Network (Rome 25th-27th, September 2018). To the European Parliament, the European Medicines Agency and the European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines Dear members of the World Health Organisation, By sharing science and joining efforts towards better health,…