
If you believe these kinds of events are important and appreciate having the facts delivered to you, please consider helping our work.

Diverse HPV vaccination campaigns are starting across Europe as the academic year begins. The global strategy to accelerate the uptake of HPV vaccination was adopted in August 2020. The WHO European Region Roadmap, agreed in 2022 with the target rate of vaccinated defined as 70-90% by 2030 in line with WHO’s global strategy, is now ready for deployment across Europe, both in EU and  EEA nations.

HPV vaccinations are not mandatory; everyone has the right to choose.
Join our Exposé to get informed and help us inform others.


18.00 GMT       Welcome  byMichael Nevradakis, Ph.D. moderator

18.05 GMT       Opening Remarks by Mary Holland, President of CHD

18.20 GMT       In Gardasil: Faith and Propaganda versus Hard Evidence

                           Presentation by Dr. Gerald Delépine

18.35 GMT       The HPV Vaccine on Trial

                           Presentation by Kim Mack Rosenberg

18.50 GMT        Is it necessary, is it safe?

                           Panel discussion with Mary Holland,  Kim Mack Rosenberg, Dr. Gerald   Delépine, Moderator: Shaz Kahn

19.05 GMT       Video Insert: Robert F. Kennedy Jr, CHD Chairman on leave.:

                           Science Day Presentation: Gardasil (extract)

19.10 GMT       When myth does not work

                           Panel discussion with mothers of the injured

                           Amanda Dew, mother of an injured daughter – Time for Action

                          Vicky Oakley, mother of an injured daughter – Time for Action

                          Caron Ryalls, mother of a girl injured by the Carvarix HPV vaccine

                          Mandeep Badial, mother of a girl injured

                          moderated by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

19.50 GMT       Gardasil injury cases for the record

                           Steve Hinks, father of an injured daughter

20.05 GMT       What can be done in the Communities?

                             Panel discussion with Philipp Ridley, Elin Ekeberg, Mandeep Badial, Steve Hinks, Moderator: Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

20.30 GMT        Closing Remarks

Presented by Children’s Health Defense Europe and hosted by UK Column


Special thanks goes to every single member of our HPV Counter Campaign Group from our community who work relentlessly to make changes for the better.

Join our action group and sign up for regular updates on our campaign.