Since January 2022, the collective Where is my period? founded by Mrs Melodie FERON, has recorded the words of women who suffer side effects on their menstrual cycles that “could” be related to the covid vaccination. To date, more than 7,000 testimonies from France and several other countries in the world, have been entrusted to us, despite censorship on our networks.
Contact your Members of European Parliament and ask them to support the public hearing request made by the collective “Where is my period?” to the European Medical Agency (EMA). It is essential this subject is debated in Parliament, to reassure women and help them find an acceptable daily life.
Note: If you have suffered menstrual or fertility side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine, you can submit a formal testimony in French, Dutch or German here.

Related article on CHD Europe:
Where is My Period? The Risks of Covid-19 Vaccinations on Women’s Periods
Support the cause, sign the petition of the “Where is my period” Initiative
Related Videos about “Where Is My Period”:
Table ronde sur les effets de secondaires qui seraient liés aux vaccins Covid ! (Round table on side effects thought to be linked to Covid vaccines!) (with Diane, Mélodie, Virginie Joron, and Dr. Laurence Kayser)
Le Sénat à l’écoute des victimes présumées d’effets secondaires graves du vaccine (Senate listens to presumed victims of serious vaccine side effects): video and article
Règles et effets secondaires de la vaccination : “Où est mon cycle” libère la parole (Periods and vaccine side effects: “Where is my period” speaks out)
“Elles n’ont plus leurs règles” Me Eric Lanzarone et Julie du collectif “Où est mon cycle” (“They no longer have their periods” Eric Lanzarone and Julie from the “Where is my period” collective)
Troubles menstruels post vaccination : “Il faut briser le silence, ce n’est pas normal!” (Post-vaccination menstrual troubles: “We must break the silence, this is not normal!”)
Narrative #21 by Marc Moustacakis | Mélodie — Cycle menstruel et effets du vaccine : on en parle oui ou non? (Menstrual cycle and vaccine effects: do we talk about it, yes or no?)
Other Related Videos:
Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda
Video Replays: D4CE Symposium IV — Session 1
Related Reading about “Where Is My Period”:
Troubles menstruels liés au vaccin anti-Covid : ce que l’on sait, quels conseils pour les femmes concernées ? (Covid vaccine and menstrual troubles: a women’s collective received at the Senate)
Vaccin anti-Covid : hystérectomie, douleurs a l’accouchement… des femmes dénoncent les effets sur le cycle menstruel (Covid vaccine: hysterectomy, labor pains… women denounce menstrual cycle effects)
Effets secondaires des vaccins : des femmes entendues sur des problèmes de cycles menstruels(Vaccine side effects: women heard about menstrual cycle problems)
Vaccin contre la Covid-19 : un collectif denonce des effets secondaires graves sur le cycle menstruel(Covid-19 vaccine: a collective denounces serious menstrual cycle side effects)
Covid-19 : ces femmes qui doivent subir une “ablation de l’utérus” après avoir été vaccinées… (Covid-19: these women who have to have a “removal of the uterus” after being vaccinated…)
Covid-19 : des femmes accusent le vaccin, “l’ablation de l’utérus, c’est la seule solution qui se présentait à moi” (Covid-19: women accuse the vaccine, “removal of the uterus, that was the only solution presented to me”)
“Il y a une volunté de ne pas savoir” : le collectif “Où est mon cycle” au Parlement européen (“There is a desire not to know”: the “Where is my period” collective at the European Parliament)
Case: “Where is my period? v. European Commission – EMA and ANSM Nos
Other Related Reading:
Protat Synder Law (international “boutique” law firm “specializing in hands-on solutions of cross-border legal conflicts and issues”)
Elementary, my dear Watson: why mRNA vaccines are a very bad idea
URGENT: The Covid vaccine paper on declining sperm counts is even worse than it seems at first(Alex Berenson)
30,000+ women in UK report menstrual problems after COVID shots, but menstrual issues not listed as side effect (The Defender)
Link between menstrual changes and COVID vaccine is plausible, should be investigated (The Defender)
Vaccin anti-COVID : des milliers de femmes constatent des changements dans leurs menstruations