Oslo International Conference

19nov09:0018:00Oslo International ConferenceNorway

Event Details

Organizer : Helse Mat og Livstil (HEMALI) & Norske Leger og Helsearbeideres Fellesforbund (NLHF), Oslo Norway and  the International NGO for Political and Scientific Ethics, Geneva Switzerland du Peuple TV


Do No Harm, Bringing back sanctity and sanity to public health interventions, healthcare practice and health research 

We have entered in a new age of government led authoritarianism under the guise of biosecurity and with a unprecedented censorship of scientific debate and an unacceptable government led control of  individual and public health  practice threatening the most important  premiss – do no harm! This International Conference will address, not only the challenges, but also new opportunities rising out of the Covid Crisis .Amongst invited speakers are leading national health policy makers, internationally acclaimed researchers, authors and lecturers and publishers within academics, clinical medicine and from the international news media.


(Saturday) 09:00 - 18:00

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